Please! Please! Please!

A polite phrase to making request

Sometimes used in ironic exclamations

A mere contract of social intercourse

Regard as suitable or satisfying

But when it gives one pleasure

Of a kind of orgasmic excitement

That which rushed like a dreadful wind

To demand PLEASE for every offerings

Like a bully possessed in monstrous garb

Plonking for PLEASE like one diseased

Like ape or clown afflicted with psychopathy

A personality disorder that distorts reality

That slippery slope akin to madness

That stripped the PLEASED of its humanity

And alludes one imagination to psychosis

Faulty imagination that sees evil in humanity

A terrible condition of social alienation

Saying PLEASE itself is a lease to request

Lease is a mere language of social interaction

But it was demanding PLEASE that was sociopathic

It was forcing it that was foolish

Forgetting that PLEASE is just a word

A word of mere language expression

What lies in word is an Art

In word, ‘PLEASE’ is an Art

And Art never expresses anything but itself

Art never once told us the truth

Even words played us false

It is its style that makes us believe in it

For words never expresses what they see

It expresses what the audience sees

And the audience never sees anything

That PLEASE expresses nothing

That PLEASE is a word of Art merely

For if it pleases me to PLEASE

It is a mere revelation of one social interaction

For it does not PLEASE to demand PLEASE

For PLEASE is doomed to a word of Art

And Art is an absolute oblivion of nothingness

To say ‘PLEASE’ means nothing

Stop to demand PLEASE, please