Anxiety is my reality

A cascade of body chemicals

Autistics are incapable of being anxious

Prison time to desensitise and regain control

Pay attention to visual clues

Avoid interpreting things too much

Appreciate and evaluate your reality


Motorbiking on the road was my reality

Been in a few crashes, I know

Knocked down a brickwall in one

Ended up among the trees in another

Bounced off along an icy road in a couple

Amnesia invaded my brain each time

Appreciate and evaluate your reality


My fiancee was my reality

Her beautiful hair cascades down her shoulders

Admiring her big Yorkshire eyes

She always look ever so beautiful, I remember

We get to hugged and kissed

We even walked hand-in-hand in lovers’ lane

Appreciate and evaluate your reality


My conviction was my reality

Hearsay evidence of opinion is not a myth

It ruined my senses of the world already

With the jury explosion of guilt by 11 to 1

The court’s verdict knocked me senseless

Maintaining my innocence come hell or high water

Appreciate and evaluate your reality


My prison life was my reality

It’s realistic to be mentally prepared

You can tell if something’s brewing

Just get out of the way and stay in your cell

Don’t go around panicked all the time

That’s my realistic plan

Appreciate and evaluate your reality


My loneliness is my reality

Families are separated physically

They suffer heavy loss by life separation

Waking up everyday in a lonely place

Where some piece of you go missing

This was what my reality feels like

Appreciate and evaluate your reality
